The Garden - Let's Grow Together !

Imagine yourself in a world where time was valorised, not a precious second would ever be given back to you ! A world where technology was no time-sucker ! A world where the use of time was a CONSCIOUS choice, with no place for blurry time wasting. No more being tricked by technology numbing our will power ! No more lethargic scrolling stealing away the passion from you ! In this world, being still would only be a mean to REPLENISH YOURSELF and not an excuse for boredom !

In this universe, time would be as PRECIOUS as the air we need to breath. The system would be designed in a way that we would make the most out of the time we have in our hands. Communities would set spaces for real-life gathering and skills sharing. We would connect with people that have similar goals and hold each other accountable to GROW TOGETHER.

Time would be the ESSENCE for accomplishing great but also little things: art, sport, music, enhancing social connexions, or anything that makes you SMILE.

What would you do in this world ?

What have you always put aside ?

Have you ever wanted to pick up an instrument, or start your own permaculture garden, learn to public speak or be socially more at ease ?

If the answer is YES, I suggest that you go for a stroll in the Growth Garden…

How the garden works

Before technology, we would gather in the village square. The garden sets back this area for exchange in luxurious nature. Teachings about specific topics take place every day, and meeting and sharing with people around is encouraged. There are open places with benches and chairs to exchange ideas and philosophies. Quiet places next to water in order to read or exercise, small hills and little forests, make this park diversified, and offers room for everyone.

There is no obligation to go in the garden, it just a place that offers opportunities to grow and learn new things for those who want to. Every Sunday, the program and events are listed on a large board in the centre of the park next to the main fountain. There's a place on the board that anyone can use in order to arrange a meeting point. The garden wants its functioning detached from any website or phone application.

The garden is huge and located close to the centre of the village so it's accessible for anyone. It's opened from morning to dusk and people come and go as they will.

What happens in the garden

The garden is a huge park with tall trees divided in two by a river and a few ponds here and there. Every day, there are events on various themes that take place in this park: topic-based seminars, live music, gatherings of all sorts. It's the best place to encounter people that have the same interests as you. It's an opportunity to learn new things and connect with people in order to motivate each other and hold accountability. Every day, there are challenges suggested, so you can find a group to join and challenge yourself.


Anyone can ask to share a skill they have to others. There's no money involve in teaching or learning. Everything is of free will. Sharing, supporting, being pro-active and being open-minded are the core values of this concept: becoming a BETTER version of yourself.

The garden's philosophy suggests that there's untapped potential within everyone of us. The garden offers you a place to grow and invest in yourself during your free time. Learning a new sport or a language or read a book a week, can be hard on your own. It's always easier if you're doing it with someone as a game or a challenge and hold each other accountable every day. You not only do it for yourself, but you do it for your friend or support group as well, you don't want to let them down. With this community momentum, every small win brings you more self-worthiness. It's the beginning of an upward spiral of self-growth.

Who knows what you can accomplish in a lifetime doing so ?

Un projet de [Joakim]
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